Warrior Women is the non denominational women’s ministry of Excel Church. Fellow Christian women of faith are welcome and invited to attend. Warrior women is a Women’s ministry that is made up of women of all ages, shapes, sizes and races. We are praying women that fight in the spirit for all that God has entrusted to us.
Warrior women understand their role and assignments to stand in their God given femininity and intentionally occupy every role they are ordained to have as women, mothers, sisters, wives, friends, aunts, colleagues, community members and citizens in the Kingdom of God. As such warrior women are intercessors, activists and soldiers in the body of Christ. We endeavor to trust God, conquer giants and build the Kingdom of God.
Our Ministry Events Include
- Quarterly Brunch (January, June, September)
- Warrior Women Mid-Year Conference – 2024 Purpose Driven (July)
- Warrior Women Annual Retreat (November)
- Outreach/Service Events
If you are interested in connecting with Warrior Women or would like to be on our distribution list of events, please complete the contact form below